
Command Line Interface


rakosh is a place to store "nuggets" of information. Like a knowledge base, but based on small nuggets rather than pages.


raskosh is offline-first, for now -- this is a prototype. Data are stored in an ArangoDB database. In future there may be a server and a frontend. For now, there is a tool for depositing data into ArangoDB, and one for extracting it as a Gatsby site.

One aim of this prototype is to develop an ontology for these "nuggets" of information and the relationships between them.


In this first iteration, the use of ArangoDB is a sledgehammer to crack a site-generation nut. In future, it will be nice to see additional extraction targets and an online mode with an API; and even a frontend. For now, ArangoDB is acting as a schema validation tool effectively.

ArangoDB can be installed in various ways. Since the ArangoDB instance need not be long lived, using a Docker container is probably the simplest. To run a container, use this command:

    docker run -e ARANGO_NO_AUTH=1 -p 8529:8529 --rm \
        arangodb/arangodb arangod --server.endpoint tcp://

Include a --volume to persist the data if required.

Once the server is up, content laid out in a specific* directory structure can be deposited like so:

    rakosh deposit ../my/content/dir


  • BUG: slug lookup sometimes lists secondary slug first
  • reduce how much is rendered in non-main nuggets
  • BUG: apostrophe in label
  • better styling of content in gatsby, e.g. blockquote
  • better PDF styling, including title at top
  • buttons for breadcrumb & metadata, plus persistence of button state
  • better search results presentation
  • CLI command to simplify creation of new FS nuggets
  • search box usage hints
  • finalize initial docs
  • "tags" for search (plus author)
  • dark mode
  • support <link> links in markdown?


TermArangoDB ObjectsDescription
mineDatabasethe content store
nuggetDocument, Vertexa small piece of useful information
lodeVertexa top-level content category (Not used)
seamVerticesa set of nuggets that exist at the same level in the mine
passageVertexnon-content verticies used to link content together
veinVertices, Edgesa route through the mine that defines a nugget's location (Not used)
primaryGraphinternal - defines the relationship between all other objects
edgesEdgesinternal - name of the collection use for all edges


Command Line Interface

The Command Line Interface program is called rakosh.